Thursday, December 8, 2022

godless socialists

I would have gotten there sooner

If not for my antipathy to my father 

Hearing him fault my mother

Disparaging her wishful beliefs

Unlike you who rejected religion at fourteen

Choosing the path of science and logic

Deciding you would not participate

In the ritual ceremonies of feudalism

In those days few dared to be atheists

It being safer to be merely agnostic

And I myself was one of those 

Avoiding the unavoidable conclusion

Now under the rubric of the culture wars

A modern day crusade wants to take back

Everything we have realized since then

Challenging white male hetero supremacy

It all fits together systemically

There is no separation of church and state

Granting tax exempt privileged status

Ruling that religion permits discrimination

The currency says In God We Trust

And the children learn One Nation Under God

Recited in unison every day in school

Told to stand and pledge allegiance

Meaning of course the one in the christian bible

Suspicious of the adherents of any other religion

But worst of all are the godless socialists 

Who would do away with the entire system