Thursday, December 22, 2022

dream interpretation

Nick smiles happily pleased and proud

Showing off the the very large fish

Held out at arms length hanging down

Reaching almost to the ground

I saw him standing in a stream

Waking up when he looked at me

With the image of him still in mind days later 

Remembering our good times together

Never gone fishing with him in real life 

But I know he likes the outdoor experience

In the way that a New York City kid does

Going to out of the way pristine places

He talked about catching trout in Jackson Hole

So the literal dream scene makes sense 

But he used to reel in entire agencies as customers

When his job was sales for my software product

So I'll take that as the symbolism here

Nothing at all profound but sweet enough

Glad to get a glimpse of an old friend

Years later now in another life