Tuesday, November 8, 2022

hurricane watch

The foam blown off the waves skitters past

Flying along the beach scary fast

As the approaching storm continues to intensify

Threatening us here on our precarious perch

We sit on a dune facing the sea

Awaiting the predicted storm surge erosion

In harm's way where no building should ever be put

Where the full moon tide approaches our doorstep

The force of the wind pushes the door shut

When I try to open it to step outside

Persuading me to stay inside and wait it out

Listening in the dark to the howling rush of air


And always the ceaseless crashing surf resounds

Our lives as captives taken hostage by the elements

Knowing the worst of it is yet to come

Not until late tomorrow and the next day

The raging wind in advance of downpours tomorrow

Only the prelude to the full impact of the storm

As we hunker down here hoping we don’t lose power

Anxious to emerge from our confinement