Saturday, May 29, 2021

not once but twice this week

Not once but twice this week 

A moment of surprise followed by dismay 

The realization of an empty-headed mistake 

Doing what used to be automatic 

Something not packed I was sure I packed

Missing a credit card not handed back 

Not in either case causing real trouble 

Only the distress of an unforced error  

Symptoms of decline if you ask me 

But excusable if you want to dismiss it

As each happened at the end of a busy day

In the fog of fatigue that comes with age

And so I must learn to know my limits 

As the extent of my abilities slowly contracts

Accepting the things I cannot change 

Doing what I can to slow the progression 

Knowing what is important

Letting go of the rest

Getting on in years gives perspective 

Just when we need it most