Monday, November 2, 2020

whatever happens

Whatever happens with the election

Don’t think there will be any end to it

The barrage of outrageous incitement tweets

The fascist militias mobilizing to take power

Even if someone better were to win the vote

The electoral majority would not stop them 

Unless huge numbers of people mobilize

To bring about real systemic change 

As long as the racist police terrorize with impunity 

As long as the billionaires buy politicians and judges 

As long as human needs are secondary at best 

Intolerable living conditions will persist for many 

Denying the accepted science of global warming 

Denying that racism is systemically imbedded 

Denying a woman's right to choose whether to give birth 

Denying same sex partners the right to be intimate 

All of these hurtful harmful obtuse recalcitrant refusals

Entrenched in monopoly capitalism based in white supremacy 

Rife with the religious prohibitions of the patriarchy 

Designed to impose the reactionary past on our future 

We must organize to put them all out emphatically 

Ditching their rule in favor of a secular scientific socialism

The way to create a culture of caring for each other

While protecting the earth for the next generations