Wednesday, November 11, 2020

good question

That's a good question 

My friend Jim asked

What he could possibly say

To change someone's mind

But I don’t actually know

How to turn someone around

Just that emotion prevails

Over reason and logic

Jim has so many questions

It can be a bit much at times

But if you let him go there

He will persist seeking answers

So I turned the question around

To hear what he would say

What it would take to decide

Something he believes isn’t true

Without going into details

About the specific example

He answered his own question

What determines his views

We learn from our sources

First from personal experience

Next from what our people say

Then from the media we choose

So if you are trying persuasion

Respect their learned life lessons

Share observations from your own life

To explain your different conclusions

The rest is argument butting heads

Reminding me of the expression

My mind is made up

Don’t confuse me with the facts