Thursday, November 12, 2020

no going back

There is no going back

To a life of nostalgic innocence

As if that ever existed 

No matter how hard this is 

The worst part is knowing 

The worst is yet to be

Every day more cases than the last 

Increasing exponentially 

The virus running amok here 

Spread most by those denying facts 

With ideology running through it

Asserting their individual freedom 

There will be a reckoning 

That cannot come too soon

The success in China beckoning

Begging for comparison 

Why no universal health care

Why only medicine for profit 

Who benefits and who suffers 

Who holds the strings of power 

The changing of the palace guard 

Removing that erratic incompetent

In favor of mister diplomatic manners 

Does not alter the underpinnings 

The military industrial complex 

The worldwide imperialist hegemony 

The systemic racism and misanthropy 

Continue unchecked

Capitalism created global warming

Unabated pollution in all forms

Driven by business logic

Must stop now

Let us go then into the streets

Mobilize in massive demonstrations

Demanding an end to all that

To seize the day