Wednesday, March 6, 2019

klip joint

Being away for an extended time
I think what I miss most is my hometown haircuts
Where I go to a local place run by women
Who cut hair for everyone happy to be there.

Yesterday I went to a barbershop here
Where I had seen many cars parked outside
Going in the downtime of a rainy morning
Hoping to get a good trim in short order.

The barbers were all men and the customers, too
Every one an older white man like me
As I saw taking a seat there to wait my turn
Watching to see which barber I would get.

As I listened to the conversations closest to me
I wished I was not there being reminded again
Hearing the familiar male complaints go on and on
The way that some men bond over negativity.

Feeling alienated in this place that caters to men only
With a throwback red stripe spiral sign mounted outside
Though the practice of bloodletting long ago ceased
Still the demographic here looks like reactionary holdouts.

One overweight man getting a buzz cut square top
Loudly faults someone he knows who favors gun regulation
For the simple reason that it hurts his gun sales business
Before moving on to criticize certain drivers.

Another man is telling the story of sitting at a bar
Finding fault with the performance of the bartender
And I don’t want to hear it from the likes of these
Since I don’t do guns and I don’t do bars.

Why is it taking so long to primp their few strands
These men have very little hair just like me
I thought my grooming here would be over already
Instead I resign myself to where I’d rather not be.

By the time my turn comes to take my chances
I’m just glad when the barber says I’m done
Knowing the next time I need my hair cut I’ll be home
Happy to visit the women at the Klip Joint.

Jackie will tell me about her wonderful daughters
And events at the schools where they go
Stories I enjoy hearing while talking parenting with her
And sharing a few things of my own life.

Or Maria will take care of me in her special way
And I will hear news of her two grown sons
As we talk of college marine biology studies and such
She is so proud of them both.

Of course women may have their complaints, too
Sometimes about men, no surprise there
But there’s a different sensibility I find in their salon
That welcomes both men and women and children, too.

I feel good after receiving their attention
Though there’s not much they can do with what’s left
When the top of my head shows male pattern baldness
I could envy the growth their gender retains.

But it’s the community gathering aspect I most like
Enjoying watching a child’s haircut while I wait
Sitting with younger and older people there
Everyone included who lives in our neighborhood.