Sunday, March 10, 2019


These days there's no alarm to wake me
Jarred out of broken sleep tired to start my day
Rising in the winter darkness for so many years
Now just a memory receding into the past.

In those days the cold would get into my bones
Working outside doing what I had to do to get the job done
All the particulars flash back at me as I remember
Jumbled stories of hard times long ago that old people tell.

Now I can enjoy being outside in the south Florida warmth
Jumping over winter into spring experienced twice
As new life emerges leafing out with nests and eggs
To be followed by an encore when we return home.

With no black ice on the steps here to slip and fall
No snow drifts to clear away just to leave the house
No reason to stress about anything much
Just relax and take in the natural beauty of the place.

We are passing through this temporary juncture
Mindful of our health keeping active while we can
How sweet the sounds and sights and smells of the day
Jewels to us so precious to have and to hold.