Inquisitive fits you perfectly
My thought as I listen to you
Excited to tell me the latest
What you just learned today reading
A book about memory formation
The word used to describe a behavior
Wanting to explore and investigate
And understand everything there is
It's not the only book you are reading
Always looking for new information
Most interested in the life sciences
Taking in daily articles and podcasts
Sending me links to keep up with it all
Reporting at dinner what got you thinking
Wanting to discuss its importance
Something I look forward to doing
In this way the headlines do not take over
Though we are quite aware of current events
There's more for us than negative news
When we add to our understanding
Yesterday we made a connection
Between a device pulsing light and sound
And an experiment about sleep brain waves
Clearing away cranial metabolic debris
And I imagined you in another life
As a principle investigator doing research
But for now we enjoy being able to find out
What other inquisitive people discovered