Tuesday, September 20, 2022

too much negative news

As a person who has paid attention

Following the news for many years

Most days now there is nothing for me

As I scroll past the headlines 

Scanning for any good news

Skipping the war propaganda lies

Skipping the monarchy adulation

Skipping the politics kabuki theater

A person can only absorb so much

Negative news endlessly repeating

The poison fed to us in this sick society

Spreading a demoralizing message

Searching for useful information

Mostly avoiding the click bait stories

With so many links to look through 

Not adding much when opened

Reading the human interest stories

Including the obits of inspiring people

Learning about great advances in science

Uplifts me reminding me what is possible 

But the crossword puzzle is my escape

Opened each night working out the answers 

Sometimes obtuse but never untrue

Followed up with solving the morning wordle