The surgery will be done on day two
To demonstrate the new improved technique
To the other neurosurgeons in attendance
There to learn how in a four day course
My youngest daughter's name doesn't appear
On the agenda for day two
But she will be the one on the table
With the endoscope inside her brain
After traveling all the way across the country
To the one place that does this operation
Hoping to be cured of her acromegaly
After her first surgery failed to achieve remission
She agreed to let the operation be observed
Thinking of those who will come after
Who will need the same pituitary tumor surgery
That they might get it somewhere nearby
As someone used to being observed
As a teacher herself of school children
She trusts her neurosurgeon’s hands
Performing under watchful eyes
Glad for the opportunity to help out
Even as she contends with a difficult diagnosis
Facilitating education to benefit others
Because she is that selfless good person