Sunday, January 9, 2022

as if to make up for lost time

Quiet time makes it possible

To put words together to write something 

But not if you are upset or worried 

Like I was for so many years 

Quiet time is a luxury I have now

Being retired living an easy life 

Undisturbed by any relationship drama 

Except if my past troubles intrude

Awake at night considering my failings 

Stuck in a bad situation withdrawn in my shell 

Dismayed I stayed stubbornly holding on

Stuck in my sleepless ruminations  

Back then I was unable to express myself 

Blocked with unresolved conflicted feelings 

But now the lines of verse often flow easily 

As if to make up for lost time 

For now I am not alone with my thoughts

Having a loving partner to assure me

I am the person they want to be with

Still happy after these many years.