Tuesday, August 25, 2020


As the start of a new school year arrives
You're on your own trying to figure it out
Being forced into impossible choices
Caught in the personal responsibility trap

If only there could be in person instruction
Without everyone present getting exposed
As if the precautions in the plans could work
What is obviously wishful thinking

There is no good answer in any case
Remote instruction misses out on social learning
So important for developing a sense of self 
So necessary to build consideration for others 

When the day comes to make the difficult decision 
Between the problematic safety of isolation at home
And the probable contagion risk of the classroom
Practical concerns will likely hold sway

Who is going be available to help out
When the parents are working as they must
Will any accommodations for the teachers
Actually make them any safer or not

And so it comes down to this
Absent the funding and leadership
To do what it takes to protect the community
People will suffer needlessly