Monday, August 24, 2020

maintaining the preserve

We who have a personal history with the place
Watching the changes in vegetation over the years
Recognizing the succession of invaders of the land
Know that a natural area must be tended like a garden. 

Of course it depends how you define natural
Since John Fell's peat bog harvesting was not
And the subsequent celery farm cultivation was not
Along with the current impacts of us as human invaders. 

Here it means an area set aside as a restoration project
A watery island in the sea of development around it
An oasis of sorts for wildlife in need of suitable habitat
If we encourage the conditions for them to thrive. 

Every wetlands will fill in and get overgrown over time
As the natural progression happens without our intervention
But so many species of plants now taking root and taking over
Provide little nourishment to the creatures that live here. 

They are the newest arrivals in the great global dispersal
Engineered as an unintended consequence of international trade
Too soon yet for the eventual local adaptation to occur
The way the European roadside weeds now seem native.

At present we have to weed them out in a constant battle
The bane of gardeners whose work is never done
The porcelain berry, mustard garlic, phragmites and many more
Calling for a dedicated crew to maintain the preserve