Monday, April 8, 2019

first blush

When April with her sweet showers wakes the trees
Nature's first green rises as a blush of color
Buds bursting with life in the warming sunshine
Celebrated in the happy spring bird song.

As the frost in the ground loses its hold on the earth
The sap flowing up by day revives and rejuvenates
The bare-limbed gray skeletons winter held hostage
Inviting us to enjoy the weather being outside again.

Love is in the air scented with cherry blossoms
Pink petals like confetti soon flutter down underneath
As couples pose smiling about being paired together
Trusting in their future depending on each other.

Every living thing feels the urge to mate and reproduce
Though not all of us with a choice will choose it
So much procreation around us is an affirmation
The next generation continues to tell our story.