Saturday, April 13, 2019

black hole

Black hole image

I completely lost an hour or two this morning
Having no memory of anything at the time
Learning later how I appeared in a blank dream state
Giving such a fright to my dearest companion.

Just like that here one minute gone the next
Unsuspecting whatever suddenly swept me away
Though I like hearing you tell me that I apologized
Being aware that you were distressed.

An experience like being sound asleep awake perhaps
So odd to hear that when you mentioned our planned destination
I kept telling you that I had dreamed of going there
Having completely lost it repeating myself without recollection.

Such a humbling frightful collapse of everything that is me
Like disappearing into a timeless black hole caught by surprise
Leaving unexpectedly unable to say goodbye
Wishing now I told you more often how much I love you.

Of course I will be gone one day but not today I think
Always another year ahead of us to do things together
How could I forget that all we have is today to cherish
Life so transient ending in a kind of global amnesia.