Saturday, June 24, 2017

departure date

Less than a week now to the departure date
Going far away to where you have never been before
The adventure of a lifetime perhaps
Excited but anxious what unknown awaits.

Having a companion makes the journey shared
Romantic when experiences are wonderful
Challenging when difficulties may present
Depending on each other to figure it out.

I hope that you remain flexible and cheerful
Finding beauty and meaning wherever you are
Learning from the people who live there
Expanding your knowledge of the world we live in.

I applaud your courage to explore distant lands
To get outside the familiar safe local places
Happy you have a person you trust to go with you
To seize the opportunity of summer and youth.

You will be so far away it will be the next day
Tomorrow already if I talk to you after noon
Here where I am by the forty-first parallel north
Near the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.

You will be on the opposite side of the earth
Seeing Southeast Asia where I have never been
Traveling for twenty-four hours to get there
Such is your hunger to know the world you live in.

Go and find out everything you can
Meet the people who live a different life
Immerse yourself in their culture and monuments
Come back whole and tell me about it.