Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Bunche Beach December 2, 2020

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

what she wants

As I heard tell when she was asked

My stepmother would like to ignore Christmas

Though it’s been decided to ignore her wish

I like that she put it out there

Especially this year of the pandemic

Doing away with all the socializing

That would keep everyone safe

What a priceless gift to give

She offers her thoughts

From the other side of ninety

When many wish to ignore birthdays

So why not this problematic holiday

As I heard a mother behind me

When walking ahead in the park

Admonishing her child to watch out

Because Santa knows if you’re good

And then after a pause she added

And Jesus is watching you, too

As if to correct a sacrilegious thought

As I laughed to myself at the mythology

Wouldn’t it be something if every child

Realizing neither Santa nor Jesus is real

Would choose to mark the winter solstice

With greenery and bright lights

It’s almost impossible to ignore Christmas

Celebrated with jingling cash registers

In your face and ears with movies and songs

Invoking memories and hopes

This December will bring suffering and death

Cruel reality cutting against the virgin birth story

Unless we find a way to hibernate

Keeping to our separate selves


Harns Marsh december 1, 2020

Monday, November 30, 2020

Lakes Regional Park November 30, 2020