Tuesday, July 30, 2019

take heart

We are all the people of the world come together here
A cornucopia of cultures skin glowing all the colors of humanity 
So beautiful so powerful when everyone is welcomed
As I know will be the way not so very long from now. 

As the white nationalist men spew their racist slurs
More and more people are roused up in opposition
Seeing those men as the hateful fearful enemy of us all
Understanding that they must be totally defeated.

If you doubt this happy outcome is certain
If you feel despondent over current events
If you are afraid that it will only get worse
Take heart to see the resistance is growing. 

People of color are resisting and being led by women
LGBTQ people are resisting and being led by women
Teachers are resisting and they are almost all women
Women inspiring us to be our better selves.

Those who fill the prisons with poor people
Those who gerrymander and suppress the vote
Those who write the laws to rig the system
They will not be able to hold back our righteous cause.

Monday, July 29, 2019

DeKorte July 29, 2019


Sunday, July 28, 2019

Wallkill NWR July 28, 2019


Friday, July 26, 2019

Celery Farm July 26, 2019
