Thursday, April 11, 2024

a song of love

Since you told me about your earworm 

Such an awful image conjured up 

The word attached itself to my tune 

Making me conscious of the one I have 

Notes heard each step or each bite or just resting 

The more it repeats the more it takes hold

A neural pathway well worn from frequent use

A brain signal with a life of its own 

You may be able to overwrite the music 

Replacing one song with another 

But for me that is a temporary measure

And soon what I hear reverts to form 

I know now I first heard it when I was ten

The year a certain movie musical played

Something I discovered this week 

Curious to track down the date

I could do worse than this song

Etched in memory while sitting next to my mother 

Watching the big screen matinee show 

Rather amazed now that I retained the refrain

In this story I can see her expression 

Listening to the sweet romantic verse 

I give to you and you give to me 

True love true love 

She enjoyed going to see love stories 

And I enjoyed my alone time with her 

Learning the theme song melodies

Sensing her unexpressed sadness