Wednesday, March 24, 2021

where to begin

In the beginning no one was present 

To determine the exact moment of creation 

But it  has been determined there was a  beginning 

Some four point five four three two billion years ago 

The slow process that formed the earth 

A dust cloud subject to gravitational forces 

Gradually coalescing into our solar system 

Did not create our planet on any one date

Although people like to celebrate annual events

As if our lives begin the day we take our first breath 

Or begin with any of the developments in utero

No one starting point of our existence exists 

The same could be said about our end of life 

As older people experience an accumulation of losses

While still being able to declare "I ain't dead yet!"

Even as we gradually approach the lifeless state 

When it is written that someone gave up the ghost

The meaning is lost in translation from the original 

That simply says you released your last breath 

To be taken in by some other living thing 

To say when the circle of life starts in motion 

At what point to begin the arrow of time traveling 

Like asking  the chicken and the egg question 

The answer my friend is in the air we breathe