Saturday, March 7, 2020

ninety nine

Try to imagine what it is like 
Turning ninety nine years old 
Still lively despite many infirmities
Cheerful despite sadness from many losses. 

This is Rosie we are lucky to know
Who has her wits about her when speaking to us
Telling amazing stories of past people and places
Whose bright eyes catch ours when we visit.

She includes herself among the fortunate
“A lifelong recipient of bona fortuna” she says
As we are fortunate she is with us today 
Smiling to see us happy together.. 

How fitting that she is named Rosie
With her upbeat outlook setting the mood 
Never mind the particulars of her circumstances 
It's enough to know it's not easy being old.

I write for myself but I write for her too
Knowing she'll tell me directly what she thinks 
Usually approving and sometimes giving high praise
“Really loved this one. Smiled the whole way through!”

Oh such encouragement do we ever get enough 
Giving generously she is a presence in our lives
What's not to love in such a beautiful person
Someone we hope has a wonderful next year.