Saturday, March 14, 2020

community spread

Suddenly everyone knows it
This is a big deal
Though a few holdouts deny it
This is serious.

Community Spread
Social Distancing
Flattening the Curve
These words have entered our lexicon.

It’s all anyone is talking about
Trying to avoid being infected
Worrying about how bad it might get
How many loved ones will die.

This government completely failed containment
Refusing to provide test kits that were available
Letting the contagion spread undetected
While claiming it was under control.

This crisis reveals the concerns of the capitalist class 
Protecting their profits before protecting people
Exposing the criminal inhumanity of their rule
Soon to cause the needless deaths of so many. 

It’s up to ordinary people to do what we can
To slow the rate of inevitable infections
As this slow motion catastrophe speeds up
Almost certain to overwhelm the hospitals.

This is personal, impacting all of us
As we hope our individual efforts make a collective difference
Let your anger harden against this system
That doesn’t take responsibility at all.