Wednesday, October 30, 2019

speaking up

She is in the teachers room eating lunch
When the innocuous talk shifts into racism
Confronting her two days before Halloween
“What’s wrong with blackface?”

She is in her classroom moments after dismissal
When a parent enters to question her lesson content
Teaching the science of climate change
Teaching about Indigenous Peoples Day.

Speaking up like she does is not easy
Holding up against the reactionary push back
Looking for ways to attack and isolate you
Trying to demoralize you into silence.

I am so proud of her determination
To be a teacher who inspires by example
To eradicate every form of ignorance and prejudice
She is a very special person to know.

Having such a daughter close to me
Talking together about the challenges in her life
Sharing in the happiness and optimism of youth
Makes me a very lucky man.