Saturday, October 26, 2019

being together

Let us raise our seltzer glasses together today
In praise and happiness to celebrate our union
The combination of mutual respect and attraction
That makes sharing our lives an endless enjoyment.

I remember the exact place on the path to the lake
That hike you took me on to see the mountain laurel
The blooms dappling the woods in shades of pink
When first I realized you would like me to kiss you. 

I remember where we were sitting and talking
The moment when I knew I could trust you
Hearing the genuine heartfelt honesty in your voice
As you spoke about yourself and your life.

I remember the day you boldly proposed to me
There in my kitchen where I served you dinner
That we should find a place to move in together
To join our lives together as full partners.

I remember the happy day when you agreed
To make our residence together official
Deciding you would like us each to wear a ring
Certain that our love for each other is true.

I remember all this and so much more
Being close to you all these years
And the best part is the new memories 
We make every day going wherever we like.