Tuesday, August 6, 2019

the view from Weehawken

The view from Weehawken across the Hudson
Greeting the young couple as they emerge
Looking towards the east each morning
Seeing the Manhattan skyline transforming.

A short bus ride through the Lincoln Tunnel
Midtown density easily accessible to them
Yet here they reside in their different home state
Determined by historical political boundaries.

The perfect location for them to move in together
Facing the city center with its singles scene
Poised on the cliff edge of the Palisades
Next to highways going north and south and west.

Going in opposite directions to work
Returning to their shared space every day
Learning a new routine keeping house
Constructing a life with a place for each other.

Making exciting choices and taking a risk
The way that the adventure of youth plays out
Seeking happiness means reaching for the ring
Grasping the chance before it passes you by.