Tuesday, January 23, 2018

where from

Overheard this afternoon “Lookit thaaht”
Coming across the water a woman’s voice calling out
Paddling her kayak as I ride my bike nearby on the mangrove trail
Enjoying our recreation on Lovers Key.

I’m sure she has traveled from Massachusetts
Having grown up near Boston hearing such speech
But I’m not sure where to place the “Howdy” greeting
Spoken to me as I pass a man walking the trail.

Some people wear their home team colors
Like an insignia to advertise their visitor status
But I send a subtler signal wearing binoculars
Happy to band together with other bird watchers.

Looking at the license plates is informative
Michigan, Ohio, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Indiana
Minnesota, Missouri, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts
New Hampshire, Ontario and Quebec all here.

It looks like there are more of us than them
Those Florida plates with the oranges on them
And very few of them were born here anyway
All of us happy for the warm weather in January.

Here we are the seasonal invaders needing housing
Joining the local residents in their year round invasion
And yet the subtropical wildlife adapts to the development
Turning drainage ditch and borrow pit into habitat.

The way things are going it won’t be many years
Before the sea takes back these coastal structures
But just for today we walk the gulf beach together
Ready to retreat back north come spring.