Friday, December 22, 2017

winter solstice 2017

We watched three eagles fly to the crest
Soaring over the hilltop where we live
Early afternoon on the winter solstice
Circling up above until they became distant specks

Their unexpected presence surprised us
So unusual the sight of three adults together
So lovely to admire those iconic white heads and tails
Flashing as they turned in the slanted sunlight

This vision in the sky might be taken as an augury
In times past when avian encounters signified
Some portent of the future possible to know
While our thoughts turn towards a simpler explanation

With the ponds sealed by ice as the arctic air invades
The fishers gather round what open water remains
Hereabouts having seen a dozen eagles in one tree
Perched in January by the reservoir edge

These are winter visitors arriving from the north
A serendipity for us to catch a chance to see them
Before we flee from this frozen landscape
To our subtropical sojourn awaiting warmer days

We heard the horned owl softly hooting last night
Audible to us in the quiet time after lights out
Penetrating the walls and closed windows
Calling to its mate somewhere near our house

Another sign of things to come we hope
If they should nest nearby this winter
Brooding their eggs in February for our return
Presenting us with fledgling owlets in April

For it seems these owls are indifferent to the season
Nesting in Florida at the same time as in New Jersey
Though what they use for their nest varies locally
We will watch there and anticipate what might be here