Tuesday, December 26, 2017

quantum state being

Gender engenders estrangement from our selves
Bifurcating humanity as if we are not one species
Sexuality dividing adults from children
Male and female separated like odd and even numbers.

Living in the context of contemporary social relations
Infused with the ruling patriarchal superiority
Sometimes an odd thought overtakes my brain
Thinking for a moment that I inhabit an alternate body.

I have masculine and feminine in me
I have both child and adult in me
I am young and old, potential and realized
I embody every possible aspect of uncertainty.

You may see me as a singular old man
Dancing with visions of sugar plums and fairies
Gnomes and elves and jingling bells
Cutting geometric patterns into the ice.

You may not find me as pure as driven snow
Covering the world pristine as a tabula rasa
Leaving a quiet hush as the storm tapers off
Waiting to glitter crystalline under the cold blue sky.

In the dark days between the solstice and the new year
I am alive and dead like a bare naked tree
I am arriving and departing as we all are
I am awake in a dream of time passing.