Tuesday, September 26, 2017

nature man

Psssst.  If you see a man fast walking
The trail around the Celery Farm
Follow him at a distance and you may discover
Where he is going and what he is doing.

You’ll likely see him stop and greet many people
As he seems to know everyone who goes there
So you might think for him it’s just a social walk
But most often he has a different objective.

To find out you need be careful that he doesn’t see you
Because he has many secrets he is keeping
Told to him in confidence by the regulars
Who frequent this nature preserve.

I too am one of those people who report to him
And once he showed me a hidden chrysalis
Pointing discreetly with his hand by his hip
As he looked all around to make sure no one else saw.

Exhorting me to tell no one the location
Wanting to protect it from harm from thoughtless people
Encouraging this precious specimen of a threatened species
To go forth and multiply in this tiny island of wildlife habitat.

One time I chanced to meet him on his rounds
When he told me where to see a monarch caterpillar
But as we walked together in that direction
He suddenly said goodbye and headed off another way.

I suppose he had something more special hidden away
Some reclusive existence not being shared that day
Which got me thinking I should observe him as wildlife
To watch for his covert behavior disclosing some undercover presence.

To reveal this information now marks me as untrustworthy
Not worthy to receive the whispered details of any further sightings
Shunned perhaps for violating an unwritten code of conduct
Having stepped outside the lines to watch the watchers.

But I think I have been sufficiently cryptic about him
Matching some cryptic messages he has sent me
That his sense of humor will prevail as he contemplates
The image of this nature man disappearing into the woods.