picassa album |
It was so hot last night we lay on the couch
Watching a documentary about Siberia
Letting the below zero temperatures into our brains
Forgetting to turn on the bed room air conditioner.
It was so hot earlier that you agreed to go shopping
Just to walk around in the air conditioning
Instead of our usual perambulation around the park
Where the black-eyed susans droop and wither in the heat.
Waking in the night and checking the temperature
Still too hot to turn on the attic fan to suck cool air into
the house.
Walking slowly on the shady side of the street in the
Still sweating profusely from the little exercise.
Studying the weather forecast asking when the heat will
We are spared the torrential rains and flooding in the southeast.
We don’t have the broiling heat and wildfires in the
We don’t have to work outside in the hot afternoon sun.
It’s summer. It’s as
hot as it gets.
Get in
a cool place if you can and chill out.