We went to see the beautiful place
And found spectacular mountains and seashore
With birds swooping and singing all about
Green growth everywhere even in the dry season.
We were tourists on vacation
Enjoying bed and breakfast comforts
Luxuries not given to the town folk
Getting their water from spigots at the curb.
We received smiles and waves and hellos
From everyone as we passed through town
A warm welcome for the foreign visitors
Not expected by me, relaxing, smiling back.
In the end we remember the conversations
The people engaging with us
Talking about whatever we asked about
Thinking later of more questions to ask.
Joanne from Arima
Environmental studies graduate
Soft spoken steward of wildlife
Explaining why her pants were tucked in her socks.
The shirtless man from the rum shop
Wearing a fish bone necklace
Escorting us on our good night walk
Explaining the waterline taps are not stealing water.
Rennie Bobb’s artistic creations self taught
Happy in his Blanchisseuse studio workshop
Sculpting the wood into what he feels
Explaining he doesn’t make trinkets.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Trinidad remembrance
Posted by
sought after
11:35 AM