Sunday, October 12, 2014

october ramapo river lake henry


sundial time

Imprecise but nice enough to tell the hour
Nice to have this sundial reconstructed
Placed to advantage in the midday sun
Aligned with the north star at night

Wide copper band parallel to the equator
Numerals cut out to display highlighted
Gliding across the reading surface
Silently crossing the center line axis

Marking high noon moving up and down
As the seasons turn, following the analemma curve
Adjusting sundial time to match clock time
As the day-over-day duration changes

Constructed with a geocentric understanding
When the sun revolved around the earth
As out of place in our digital world as a slide rule
An analog approximation, an ancient awareness.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

franklin lakes early october


Monday, September 29, 2014

moving day

I comment wearily “My life in a box.”
As I see yet another wheeled towards me
By the worker unloading the truck on moving day.

He hears me say this and replies
“Mi vida en una caja.” translating for me.
English is his second language.

My move is local in the same county.
His move is long distance from another country
To another language and discrimination.

I am moving a few miles further away
Planning to enjoy senior citizen free time.
I will unpack and settle into my easy life.

He is an immigrant seeking work
Hoping to make a decent living here.
Today our lives cross in passing.