In a year that promises to be eventful
Given the current geopolitical turmoil
Your uncertain personal situation
Fits within the larger context
Getting ready to move across the country
So much cannot be foreseen
But after considering everything
A distant destination calls
Still undecided exactly where
Until your job search offers materialize
Not knowing is your constant companion
As your departure date nears
You will find your way through this
Like you always do
Having the fortitude to make bold choices
Makes you stand apart
Daring to quit your job two years ago
To take the chance to explore the world
Traveling around five continents
Gaining awareness and understanding
As you prepare to make your reentry
You could live anywhere
Being capable of doing so many things
To achieve a good work life balance
To relocate far from where you grew up
Fits the description of migration
Not the fraught leap that immigrants make
But similarly starting new lives