Tuesday, December 31, 2024

to a young person

I don't talk much these days 

And I write even less 

Being a soft spoken old man 

Wanting to not keep repeating myself 

You will be persuaded or not 

Based on your lived experience 

The same as I was

Not by more words from me 

But if you ask me what I think 

I'm happy to share my perspective 

Knowing what I know 

About how things change 

How you are able to live your life 

Exists in the context of your time 

Not the world I grew up in

Though some things remain true 

The idea is to be a good person 

So at least try to do no harm 

And better yet make things better 

To the extent possible 

This is my standing request 

To anyone who is listening 

Real change requires people 

Organized in common purpose