Saturday, June 15, 2024

our time together

This limited selection of greeting cards will not do 

Unless I repeat the same pick again 

Knowing you will understand the choice I made 

To leave the store empty handed 

Better to find my own words to say 

Better to repeat the very same thoughts 

In the way that a babbling brook murmurs

You know how I feel about you 

The spaces between the words hold feelings 

Attached to images etched in memory 

Enjoying the mountain laurel in peak bloom 

Seated on bare rock overlooking the lake

No one else was around that day 

When I realized you were choosing me 

When I happily responded in kind 

When our time together began 

As the calendar marks off our years 

Our love keeps growing like a tree 

Firmly rooted and nourished together 

Spreading its branches around us