Monday, May 13, 2024

world travelers

Being closer to the end than the beginning 

What comes next looms on the horizon 

A felt presence in your day-to-day decisions

The choices ahead for the direction of your life 

Almost a year in traveling around the world 

Stepping away from everything here 

Experiencing very different people and places

Engaged in a form of personal self exploration

This week you can gaze up at the universe

Viewing the Atacama Desert night sky

Drawn into the infinite expanse of space and time

Standing there with your feet on the ground 

Getting ready to move on in your life together 

Determining when and where to take up residence 

Selecting the community that you will be part of 

Where you can do what you want to do for a living 

These thoughts percolate bubbling up ideas

Always as questions asked of each other 

Considering the advantages and disadvantages 

Working your way towards yes let's do it 

This house that has been your interim home base

One day before long no longer will hold your things 

But it will always be a place you can come 

Where you can feel at home being with us