Thursday, March 24, 2022


What is far removed from the thoughts of the young

Who expect innumerable days more to come

With more immediate concerns to occupy their attention

Engaged in the drama playing out in their life

Not so for us who have distanced from the demands of work

With quiet time to ourselves as much as we like

Taking the measure of what we have been through

Aware of our uncertain end waiting in the wings

In spring the affirmation of new life infuses our thoughts

Savoring the landscape bursting with buds opening to the world

Alert to hear the squawking of hatchlings clamoring for food

Urging their parents to bring more to their insatiable brood

We who have known the loss of our dearest loved ones

Live with a lifelong grief buried under everyday life

Knowing that a sadness will surface from time to time

Because the happy memories of them live on in us

Once you have come to terms with what we do not control

The present expands in a way into all that exists 

Each precious moment exquisite in its transience

To be shared with the people you love