Sunday, July 11, 2021

for many years more

Some things never get old with you

Exploring nature preserves together 

Taking in the sights and sounds and smells 

Immersing ourselves in the landscape 

Going back to our favorite places 

The experience never repeats exactly 

Always something new and different 

To discover as we retrace our steps

The years pass by marking our decades 

And still I hear the excitement in your voice 

Whenever you see or hear wildlife near us

And almost nothing escapes your notice

How lucky I am to have you as my personal guide

Pointing out the subjects for my photographs 

To capture the moment suspended in time 

To remember the thrill and marvel at the beauty 

Nothing compares to actually being there 

With you by my side walking quietly on alert 

Calling out species names as you hear bird calls 

Leading the way happy to be outside in nature 

But the memories we are making are precious too

A collection we can share and enjoy revisiting 

The times of our lives lived together in love

Hoping this lifetime lasts for many years more