Monday, June 8, 2020

the way to get things done

Such an outpouring of righteous anger shakes the system 
The massive demonstrations against vicious police brutality 
Coming out in support of Back Lives Matter demands 
Determined to be heard despite the violence of the thugs in blue.

Who can fail to see now that the cops are there for the billionaires
To protect their property and serve the institutions of white supremacy 
A standing army of modern day slave catchers unleashed
Disappearing millions into the prison industrial complex.

Mercenaries geared up with helmets and gas masks and weaponry 
Attacking the peaceful protesters unarmed and defenseless 
Assaulted and arrested for exercising the right of assembly
An occupying force that must be disarmed and dismantled. 

I am white but the policeman is not my friend either
As it seems we all have stories of being pulled over 
Threatened and shaken up and shaken down by the encounter 
But privileged not to fear for my life like a person of color. 

Imagine a community service that sends real help
When you call 911 for a health emergency or dispute 
Trained to de-escalate confrontations with upset angry people 
Trusted people who live in your neighborhood.

That's what is being promised now in Minneapolis 
Thanks to the power of the people marching in the street 
Effecting great changes after two weeks of hard struggle 
Showing direct action is the way to get things done.