Thursday, November 14, 2019

ice on the pond

The ice on the pond forces the ducks to fly away
To go in search of open water in a warmer place
Leaving behind the seed eaters and stragglers
The ones we see walking past cold bare trees. 

We are bundled up under several layers
Feeling lips and teeth chilled as we breathe
Eyes sting and noses drip in the frigid air
Choosing to get outside for a few short hours.

Our talk is of times past contending with winter
Being bone cold after working outside all day
The way the wind would bite and tears froze
Shivering waiting for the bus or train to come.

My sister doesn't mind the freezing weather 
Saying all you need is the right clothes
Cheerful about going out in the snow and ice
Never minding her cold hands and dry skin.

Not us.  We will escape next week because we can
Going south to where the warm days invite us out
Going where the birds that migrate gather to wait
Not returning here until the spring buds leaf out.