Tuesday, July 9, 2019

what matters most

No matter how old you get
You'll always be younger than me
As if that's any consolation
As long as we both shall live.

Just for today let me be your mirror
Erasing every wrinkle worn through the years
Seeing only your smile when I look at you
Smiling back pleased when you laugh.

If only you had found a good dancer
We might enjoy stepping out together
Though we have fun making moves in unison
Keeping on beat in exercise class.

If only I were a better person
I’d make this world a better place for you
What you deserve for all you have done
Being the good person that you are.

Instead you only have imperfect me
Capable of doing the wrong thing sometimes
Trying to reflect back the beauty I see in you
Attractive at every stage of your life.

We can be happy we have each other
Knowing the sweet moments we share
Having this day to enjoy being alive
Holding onto what matters most.