Friday, June 7, 2019

plant lady

We don't have pets in our house
But we have many plants being cared for
Thanks to you the plant lady who lives with me
Every window gives its light to living greenery.

There are some 35 pots with growing flora
At last count I took walking from room to room
Taking inventory taking a minute to admire it all
This wonderful conservatory you have created.

I remember how your eyes opened wide
When first you saw all the windows in this house
Imagining the possibilities for happy plants here
Responding to your expert skillful nurturing.

Outside there are more plants on all sides
And a rock garden to tend that's exposed to the nibblers
The deer and rabbits and chipmunks munch away
Enjoying the salad we provide like it or not.

These animals have adopted us in a way
Being quite the cute rascals eating our produce
But the visitors we want to attract fly in and out
Coming to partake of our seed and suet and thistle.

You do all the work of watering the plants every week
And refilling the bird feeders almost every day
Letting me be a freeloader getting all the benefit
Leaving me to thank you for all that you do.