Wednesday, February 13, 2019

trio duo solo

That warm spring evening so full of promise
Walking the streets of New York talking after dinner
Excited about the thought of forming a company together
We were three babes in business land.

As we struggled to find a name for it
Our first real decision to make together
The moment of conception for our enterprise
We floated ideas into the night air.

I remember we were walking west on 9th Street
Turning the corner going south on Third Avenue
When we all said yes to Foothold the talk became real
Making the commitment to each other to do it.

Together we gave our all to make it a success
Each with our different abilities combined in synergy
All with the same fierce determination
Doing whatever was needed to make it work.

I like to think the reason we survived and thrived
Because our hearts were in the right place
In making our work be about helping people
Rewarding us well in the end.

The founders generation is just the first iteration
Though for me that was my time to perform
Being older having taken my exit to retirement
While now the future growth and transformation awaits.

Staying on to be that change is not for everyone
When there are other opportunities to pursue
And so the time has come for the trio now duo to go solo
The way that life may go our separate ways.

What we three did together was more than good
And nothing can take that away from us
We will always be bound together as brothers
Knowing we were there for each other.