Saturday, January 12, 2019

a minor unfortunate event

A minor unfortunate event today
So unimportant in the grand scheme of things
What can go wrong and still not matter
Lets me know how lucky I am.

No harm done to anyone or anything
Just a mishap with some data files transfer
How many people might wish such a problem
Would rise to count as any kind of trouble.

I can still go to quiet places and listen
At a distance from the human noise of engines all around
Hearing the leaves rustling in the breeze
And sometimes the chirps of birds nearby.

I can still walk for miles in the woods seeing
The way the tree trunk patterns vary in furrows and plates
The way the branches weave and the leaves wiggle
The way the sunlight filters through the canopy.

Today an enormous flock of tree swallows swirled overhead
As the yellow-rumped warblers flitted from branch to branch
And a few pretty pine warblers searched the needles up high
When a beautiful prairie warbler came to browse in front of me.

That moment might have been captured in a photograph
And the swallows in the sky might have made a video
And an album might collect all the lovely vegetation
But I was there and I remember the feeling being there.

So many people cannot get themselves to such a place
Having to work or having no time or transportation
Perhaps housebound with medical issues
With whom I would like to share this delightful experience.