Sunday, November 27, 2016

speaking softly

As I get older I don’t talk so much
And what I say is said quietly
The sound drifting towards inaudible
Like subtitles in a silent movie.

It’s not intentional to be difficult
To try to hear what I am saying
When speaking softly and slowly
My thoughts forming as the words emerge.

I do want to be understood
And I do get frustrated from time to time
Raising my voice as if that would help
Quite the opposite results.

There are people who talk all the time
Filling the space with empty chatter
As if hiding from their own thoughts
As it seems to me remaining mute.

There is an art to conversation
A skill that I appreciate in others
Who participate easily in this exchange
Listening and responding in kind.

The sounds of nature speak to me
Asking to be heard not answered
Noticing the movement around me
Being here now being alive.

It’s good for me to have quiet time
To gather my thoughts, to write
To read my words voiced silently
To share of myself with you.