Tuesday, December 23, 2014

N is for Not Good Enough

For Uncle Charlie

When you compare yourself to others
How you are not as smart as someone
How you have not achieved as much as someone else
How you measure up as inferior

I wonder how this self-image took root
I wonder if these faults were impressed in childhood
I wonder what your brother my father took in
Growing up not knowing his own father.

I know what disapproval feels like to a child
Never good enough to hear words of praise.
I know how ready I am to hear criticism
To take it to heart that I am not worthy.

Now Wendy is compiling a dictionary
For all of us to tell you that you are a good person
Because you are a very, very good person
And we wish that you will take in our love.

Last year I wrote a poem to bring to you
For our October visit “At the End of the Day”
And we were alone when you read it
And you were moved and squeezed my hand.

I wish that you would know what that meant to me
Having a father figure show emotion and affection
Being the important person you have been for me
Able to include me in the folds of your embrace.

You have given all of us a special gift.
We feel your love fill us with approval.
You do this so effortlessly you think it is nothing
But it is everything.  It is the most important thing of all.

Hear me tell you now what you have done for me.
Charlie, I feel your gentle hand on my shoulder
And I take you with me as a presence always
Helping me to be a good person like you.