Tuesday, February 15, 2011

climate chaos

The climate is rapidly changing.
The science warned us we must change our ways.
Bigger terrible storms and floods bring devastation.
Deeper terrible droughts bring starvation.

It’s chaos out there.
Fly away, enjoy life, deny the obvious
Riding a contrail fouling the sky.
That’s the message we get.

The science of facts is the opposite of beliefs.
Yet this might as well be an old time prophet ignored
Calling to deaf ears that the end is near.
We need a mass awakening to begin the change.

Yes, we all make our individual choices
And fairness, thrift and making a better future
Are good personal values to sustain us.
But we need a government that will lead us there

Not this government run by big business
Convincing us to consume more and more
Exhalting the rich denigrating the poor
Maintaining the status quo.