Saturday, April 23, 2022

Mary Patrick Green Acres April 23, 2022


None of it seemed to matter much

Always just more of the same human activity

Until no place is left untouched

Not the air or the water or the soil

Not so long ago none of this was here

Depending on your time frame of mind

And soon enough it too will be supplanted

As has been the way since forever

Nature is always an opportunist

In whatever way circumstances allow

As the anthropocene upends ecosystems

Species ranges will expand and contract

Every nominal native once arrived as a newcomer

Long before the invading colonists introduced their additions

Bringing intentional seeds and animals and inadvertent dispersion

Transforming the landscape and displacing the inhabitants

Clearing fields for imported crops and grazing herds 

Incidentally creating a very different pastoral habitat 

Becoming host to a thriving set of wildlife able to adapt to it

In the process of destroying the existing forest and prairie

Modern eyes may not see the disruptive past in agriculture

Blind to the ecological devastation that resulted from it

Opposed only to the most recent arrivals gone feral

Because we must grow our food after all

Of course it is not good when one species dominates

Like the burgeoning native deer population in the suburbs

Overbrowsing all the native plants and saplings

Leaving only the latest to show up they do not care to eat

We who find ourselves in the present circumstances

Cognizant of the broad sweep of human history

At this critical juncture for the future on earth

Need to understand ourselves as the primary invasives

For sure certain plants and animals are a scourge

And I applaud the energetic gardeners removing them

But I prefer the places where people are few and far between

To appreciate the natural world relatively undisturbed

Friday, April 22, 2022

Van Vleck April 22, 2022

Montclair Community Farms April 22, 2022